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I am an independent video and audio producer who loves telling stories. With a background in  multi-media production and dance, I am excited to help you make the world a better place through telling your story. We will dance along the way. 


Producer Director, "Dancinflo productions," San Francisco, CA   2016 - pres

Produced stand alone videos to promote and celebrate the following clients:

  • Industrial: The Young Adult Court of San Francisco, Cisco Meraki (editing), Ignited Fundraising, Planted Design
  • Commercial/Web: Live Love Laugh Life Coaching, DJ Alex Cruz, Silicon Valley Fashion Week 2016 (editing) 

Communications Assistant, "Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute," San Francisco, CA 2013 - 2014

  • Managed social media for the institute – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. 
  • Edited the 2013 Innovation Prize stories for the next publication of the book. 
  • Wrote initial release for new sustainable fashion initiative, Fashion Positive
  • Re-wrote and organized the template Powerpoint for corporate fundraising.
  • Published summary article for Greenbiz.com.

Executive Assistant, CEO of "Free Range Studios," Oakland, CA 2012 - 2013

Assistant to Jonah Sachs, a noted and well-published American storyteller, author, designer and entrepreneur.

  • Performed in-depth research on the sharing economy for clients such as Greenpeace International. 
  • Wrote for Jonah Sachs on social media channels including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. 
  • Co-authored article in The Harvard Business Review online. 
  • Coordinated PR opportunities with BBC Channel, Forbes.
  • Prepared all of Sachs’ speaking event presentations and materials.

Producer, "Capacitor Performance," San Francisco, CA 2011 - 2012

  • Developed and implemented all PR/media materials and placement strategies for the premiere of “Okeanos,” a multi-media performance piece narrated by renowned oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle.
  • Managed Kickstarter fundraising campaigns, wrote press releases, generated several successful grants and edited TEDxBerkeley speech by the Artistic Director. Arranged KQED radio interview, placement in SF weekly and The Bay Guardian. 
  • Interviewed by KALX Berkeley radio. 

Sales Experience

Evangelist, Getaround, San Francisco, CA 2015-2016

Getaround is Airbnb for Cars. One first first 10 sales associates hired. On-boarded hundreds of new car owners to join the Getaround Car-sharing community. Getaround recently raised another 45M and is partnering with Toyota to revolutionize the transportation economy.

Sales Associate and Intern, SweetGreen; Washington, DC 2010-2011

Sweetgreen is an innovative restaurant chain opening in cities across the country. Drafted blog posts and attended meetings discussing the future branding of the business.

Other Work

Event Producer, Redisco, San Francisco, CA 2014 - 2017

Co-founder and event producer of monthly new-disco dance parties in San Francisco.

Manager, Tatzoo Bootcamp, The Audubon Society, SF, CA 2012

Organized and coordinated new leadership program for emerging conservation leaders in the Bay Area under sponsorship of The Audubon Society and Toyota and directed by Molly Tsongas. 

Campaign Assistant, The Nature Conservancy World Office, Washington, DC 2010 - 2011

Wrote and edited press releases and social media messaging supporting national environmental campaigns such as The Land and Water Conservation Fund. 

Assistant, Forum in the European Parliament for Construction, BRussels, BElgium 2009

Reported on EU Parliament Industrial and Environmental Committee meetings leading up to the UN Copenhagen Summit on behalf of FOCOPE. FOCOPE is a construction industry association and lobbying organization to the European Union. 

Federal Intern, Congressman Brad Miller, Washington, DC 2009

Reported key notes from congressional briefings on NATO and health care to Legislative Assistants.


Adobe Premiere                               Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects                         Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Audition                              Choreography

Final Cut Pro


Academy of Art University, San Francisco,CA 2015-2017

Masters of Arts, Communication and Media Technologies

American UNiVersity, Washington, DC 2007-2011

Bachelors of Arts, International Studies


Nominated for “Excellence in Virtual Reality” Award at Academy of Art University, 2017

Dean’s List for Academic Achievement, European Union Study Abroad, 2009

Certificate for Outstanding Service, Choreography for school Play, 2004

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